Long, noble, lean head, flat skull, muzzle long as the skull or more, slightly divergent muzzle from topskull, stop NOT accentuated and also frontal furrows, roman nose.


Oblique eyes (almond –shaped), not open,  not frontal, not protunding, expression  penetrating, alert, very characteristic. Nose and rims of the eyelids of a pink colour ARE FAULS.


Ears relatively soft, set at eye level, carried in many ways but  not flat.


Long, oval, strong, NOT ARCHED as a Greyhound.

The head MUST NOT be carried too high, fault in the standard.


The proportion of the length of the body in relation to the height at the withers should be 10.2 – 10.3 :10.


Topline straight in the toracic part, gently arched in the lumbar region ( NO broken topline). In the female an almost straight topline in the lumbar region is not a fault.


Croup: oblique, gently slanting, long, muscular and wide; points of hip bones wide apart.


Chest: thoracic cage very spacious and and well let down ( the ideal is a ribcage reaching the point of the elbow in the sternal region), moderately wide seen from the front, the ribs should be well sprung towards rear, clearly arched, but not barrel-shaped. Long ribs, placed obliquely in relation with the spinal column, sternum long, belly tucked up.


Long tail, strong at the base, the tip should be on in the shape of a sickle curved curved upward or forming a COMPLETE RING (NON A FAULT). At rest carried low, in movement may be carried higher , but base of the tail should not be carried higher than the level of the loins.


The ideal size is for the females 68-75 cm. At the withers, for the males 70-80 cm. At the withers. Subjects bigger than the ideal size are permitted, with the condition that the type morphology is maintained. A slightly smaller size is not an eliminating fault if, apart of that, the hound doesn’t show other faults.


Forelegs long, strong, lean, muscular, not to wide apart. Forearms strong, long and be balanced  so that the hound does not give the impression TO BE EXCESSIVELY HIGH ON THE LEGS. Seen from the front parallel. Pasterns slightly oblique in relation to the ground. Forefeet oval, well arched. Hindquarters muscular, quite well angulated, slightly standing towards the back and set slightly wide, BUT DEFINITELY LESS so than in the Greyhound. Seen from behind should be parallel. Hindfeet oval , slightly longer than the front feet, toes tight, compact.


The movement must be fluid and energetic, covering stride, at the walk as well as the trot. Led slowly may pace. The action of the hindlegs is one of the characteristic: they can be placed on a single straight line . It’s not a fault.


Coat springy to the touch , rather harsh, not wired-haired but silky either. Of variable length over all the body. On the withers the coat may be longer , shorter on the side , the sternum, the legs and the abdomen. Coulottes on the tights and well defined fringe on the tail (an other characteristic of the breed). All colours are permitted.







It has been brought to the attention of the judges (with no great results- this is a comment by me) and the handlers that the Chart Polski SHOULD NOT BE SHOWN LIKE A GREYHOYND, WITH LEGS DRAWN FAR APART AND THE HEAD HELD VERY HIGH. The Chart Polski compared with a Greyhound , has different rear angulation, MUCH STRAIGHTER, a croup MORE VERTICAL, and the WITHERS MORE LOWER.  The Chart Polski presented as a Greyhound, in a FORCED POSITION, is not well emphasized, and looks unnatural. Also the same, at a trot, the correct action of the rear legs of the Chart Polski, IN NO CASE SHOULD RESEMBLE the trot of a Greyhound or a Whippet. The Chart Polski tracks in a line (like the fox): it push one rear foot in front of the other , in this manner their tracks form a single line….- (from an article of dr. Malgorzata Szmurlo, who drew up the original standard.)